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Harvie & Hudson is a renowned gentlemen’s outfitters specialising
in ready-to-wear and bespoke shirts located on Jermyn Street since 1949.


I was tasked with creating the layout of all the website pages.

We teamed up with Paraspar, who developed the coding, a fashion photographer responsible for the campaign photoshoot, and the e-commerce manager who was adding and merchandising products on the new platform.

The old website

With online purchasing in the peak, in 2017, Harvie and Hudson had to modernise and offer their customers a great experience not only from the desktop but also from mobile and tablet. 


- set the logo free
- update the typewriter font
- have a full-size design
-update photography

The redesign

To improve the overall look of the website, we invested in quality photography and a clean aesthetic where the products can stand out as the stars of the show.

As per most of their client database being older gentlemen, we didn't want to be overly modern but wanted to also appeal to younger customers.


- Clear design
- Sans serif font
- Upper case titles
- Big header banner with offers and CTA
- Low saturated colours
- Lifestyle photography

A complete customer experience

I created new packaging for the online orders, small and medium mailer bags,
and one box for larger items.

The design is clean and fresh without losing the traditional and luxurious touch.
I've added a vintage illustration that I found framed at the store floor and brought it in the design as an element of surprise for when you open the box.


We've also added in every order, an A5 size lookbook and an insert that offered
a discount in exchange for customer reviews, a great way to improve the SEO,
the brand's ratings online and future orders.

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